AIMaReM Research Themes
Composite Wing Covers and Spars are components that SPIRIT Aerosystems wish to inspect with combined NDT and metrology.
Research challenges:
▪ High speed defect identification so that inspection path can be modified in real time.
▪ High throughput ultrasonic systems and data processing required (compressive sensing)
▪ Integrated fixturing and part registration.
Automotive remanufacture requires automated disassembly with integrated inspection.
Research challenges:
▪ High speed part identification and orientation
▪ High throughput data processing required (compressive sensing)
▪ Integrated fixturing and part registration
Asset inspection is moving from manual intervention to automated inspection using mobile robots and UAVs. The research challenges are similar to manufacture
▪ Automation – flexible path programming, coverage, obstacle avoidance
▪ Inspection – delivering physical measurement
▪ Data handling – registration and mapping to structure
Flexible mobile robot platforms are increasingly used for factory parts transport.
The research challenges are:
▪ Automation – flexible path programming and obstacle avoidance
▪ Data handling – registration and mapping to environment
Adaptive and intuitive robot programming for non-experts allows flexibility in design and manufacture
The research challenges are:
▪ Automation – flexible path programming and human machine collaboration
▪ Part identification and orientation – complex sub-assemblies
Flexible robotic platforms for vision based inspection, surface mapping and 3D surface reconstruction.
Automated inspection of deposition coatings from arc, plasma, and thermal spray processing.
Research challenges:
▪ microstructure optimization
▪ Evaluating coatings – real time NDT
University of Strathclyde,
Electronic & Electrical Engineering,
204 George Street,
Glasgow, UK, G1 1 XW